Judging rules

Judging rules

Judging rules

International saxophone contest


Belgrade, Serbia

Article 1

This document serves to more closely define the responsibilities and functioning of the competition jury.

Article 2

The judges are selected by the Organizer. The jury comprises the Jury President, the Jury Secretary, and the judges chosen from the ranks of the teachers whose students are competing in the contest.

Jury membership is voluntary/unpaid.

The Jury President is appointed by the Organizer. In case the competition lasts for more than one day, it is possible to elect a different president for each day.

The Jury Secretary is appointed by the Organizer.

Article 3

The teachers whose students are competing may join the jury as guest members only for the categories their students are competing in.

The points awarded by the guest members of the jury count the same as the points awarded by the other jury members.

The guest members of the jury do not have the right to rate their students. As guest members of the jury, they must listen to every performance in the category that their students are competing in.

The guest members of the jury must prepare their students before the performances so that their attention is undivided when the other contestants in the category are performing.

The guest members of the jury must check in with the Jury Secretary via email, competition@saxperience.rs so that the Jury Secretary may send them the instructions.

The Organizer will make sure that each guest member has a place among the jurors.

After all the contestants in a category have performed, the guest members of the jury must convene with the other jurors in the jury room and appraise all the performances, except that of their own students.

A score sheet, with every jury member’s scoring, will be made available to the contestants.

Each jury member must keep notes on every contestant they are appraising, should the contestant or their teacher, ask for score clarifications.

Each guest member of the jury will receive a Certificate of Participation in Jury Work.

Article 4

The jury will comprise a minimum of 3 (three) members.

In case a category has fewer than 3 (three) members in the jury, the Jury Secretary and then the Competition Director (in that order) will fill in their spots.

Article 5

Jury President:

  • Will ensure each jury member complies with the judging rules, and will interecede in case of any irregularities;
  • Determines if a contestant is meeting the program requirements for their category;
  • Confirms with his signature the final scores of all categories, including the awards.

Article 6

Jury Secretary:

  • Reviews submitted applications and ensures they comply with the Rules and Regulations;
  • Returns incomplete/incorrectly filled out applications to senders for corrections;
  • 30 (thirty) minutes before the competition, convenes with the jury and makes sure the jury is familiar with the Competition Rules and Regulations and the Judging Rules;
  • Atttends each jury session;
  • Calculates the median score for each contestant;
  • Oversees and manages performances as per the Competition Director’s instructions;
  • Announces contestants before their performances and gives the signal to start;
  • Collects the score sheets from the judges once every contestant in the category has performed;
  • Informs the organization committee of any irregularities that may arise;
  • Once all contests in a category have performed their pieces, hands off all jury records, individual score sheets signed by all jury members and calculated total points to the Organization Committee ;
  • In case the difference between the lowest and highest mark, even after discussions, is still more than 10 points, the Jury Secretary corrects the two marks until the difference is less than 10 points.

Article 7

Jury Members:

  • Grade the performances of contestants and ensembles, using a grading system where 50 points is the
  • minimum, and 100 is the maximum;
  • Fill out and sign the score sheets, and hand them over to the Jury Secretary;
  • Act on any irregularities that may arise;

The jury members cannot judge their own students or contestants they are related to. In such cases, the Jury Secretary will take their place.

Article 8

The contestants are ranked based on their scores. For each category, prizes are awarded based on contestants’ total scores.

  • First prize: 95-100 points
  • Second prize: 90-94.99 points
  • Third prize: 80-89.99 points
  • Honorable mention: 60-79.99 points


Article 9

The results are announced after the deliberation and once the judges have reached their final decision. The jury’s decision cannot be appealed.

Article 10

The judges may cut off contestants’ performances should the performance go over the category time limit.

Article 11

In case the audience is being disruptive, the Jury President may suggest to the Organizer to continue the competition without an audience, but it is up to the Organizer to make the final decision.

Article 12

The final results are officially announced by the Jury Secretary and then are posted by the Organizer at www.saxperience.rs by 8 p.m. on the same day.

Article 13

All concerns, suggestions, and complaints when it comes to the jury and its operation, should be emailed to the organizer at competition@saxperience.rs